It was reported last week on the BBC's ‘Britain's Favourite Supermarket Foods' that in order to release the most antioxidants from your morning cuppa you need to let it brew for a whopping 7 minutes! That's a long time to wait when you're desperate for your wakeup call but on the plus side at least we are now being advised that a cup of tea could even be ‘good for you' with the antioxidants from tea helping to prevent heart disease and cancer.

Here at WaterCoolersDirect we like to help where we can and saw this news as an opportunity to tell you about our products that can provide instant hot water at the touch of a button! After all, when you're waiting for 7 minutes for your tea to brew the last thing you want to do is to wait for the kettle to boil as well!

From the entry level InSinkErator and Quooker taps that can be installed into any kitchen at home or at work to the uber stylish Zip HydroTaps we have the hot water solution for you. As well as allowing you to ditch your kettle and save you time boiling water, these hot taps provide great tasting filtered water, conserves energy and can not only be used to make a cup of tea but can be used for cooking as well.

Some Facts About the Good Old English Cup of Tea (from the UK Tea council):

  • The number of recommended cups of tea to drink a day is 4 to give you the optimum benefit
  • Only 30% of people take sugar in their tea
  • Tea contains half the amount of caffeine than coffee
  • 80% of office workers say that they find what's going on at work over a cup of tea