Just like recent weather, the hottest piece of kit in the breakout space at work is the instant boiling hot tap! Your business can't afford the time or hidden costs to continuously re-boil and refill the kettle and wait, wait, wait while making the tea round. One KettleTap appliance does it all!

Not only do these multi-function hot taps look good in the kitchen, breakout room and boardroom they dispense hot and cold, boiling and chilled water and even sparkling; making it one tap for all your hydration and water needs. A wide range of models are available whether it’s for an office of 10 or 100. Many businesses are switching over from the traditional and potentially dangerous kettle in the workplace, on the basis of convenience, safety, style and ease. Once you have used a KettleTap for your daily cuppa you will get frustrated waiting for the kettle, and never look back!

Hot water boilers


In areas of high footfall a wall mounted or counter top hot water boiler handles large drinking water volumes quickly and efficiently and can be found in most work kitchens.

Customer facing, reception and front of house areas perhaps require a more stylish solution, and this is where the hot tap comes in. Many estate managers, developers, architects and specifiers are considering design projects that incorporate a hot tap in a new build or refurb project for instant cold and hot hydration.

Top tap choice

We supply a range of boiling hot tap brands in a wide choice of colour, design, style and price depending on your requirements. Many of the 3 in 1 and 4 in 1 models will also give you hot and cold water for hands and dishes, as well and boiling for hot drinks, so you only need the one appliance at the sink.


Quooker boiling taps are very popular in the home environment and popular with many kitchen design firms. For commercial applications the Heatrae Sadia Aquatap and KettleTap models offer good price performance for SMEs in the workplace.

At the high end of the market the Zip HydroTaps deliver product excellence and are feature rich.

If you call 0800 731 1491 you can talk to our tap team and see which brands best fit your location and budget. We have our own team of hydration engineers who will can install and service your tap or boiler ensuring all equipment remains in good working order, with great tasing water.

Reduce plastic waste and refill


With the temperature set at near boiling point for the perfect brew, a KettleTap makes fast and easy work of the tea round! No waiting for the kettle to boil, wasting water and constantly refilling it, so delivering a huge saving on the mains water bill. Just heat what you need and use for all your drinking needs, continuously; and it’s so fast which is why staff productivity is optimised.

Hot taps are great, and have so many uses in the workplace, as well making hot drinks, your team can tackle breakfast porridge pots and lunchtime instant snack pots, pasta, noodles or couscous in seconds!

Refilling a reusable bottle or keep-cup with a cold or hot drink means less single-use plastic is consumed and helps fight plastic pollution. So good for you and the environment.

By moving from the kettle to an instant boiling hot tap a business can save time, money and energy providing instant boiling water for the workforce.

The ultimate in kitchen convenience.