Held on 21st April every year, National Tea Day is the official day in the UK to celebrate our love of tea. This year marks National Tea Day’s 5th anniversary. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic most celebrations we will be hosted as virtual tea parties!
In Britain we drink 165 million cups of tea a day. That is enough to fill about 20 Olympic swimming pools. Despite that, the British are only the third most prolific teadrinkers, behind Turkey and Ireland can you believe!
Perfect for making tea of all types, the hottest piece of kit in the kitchen space is the instant boiling hot tap! Especially when working from home or in the office, there are hidden costs to continuously re-boiling and refilling the kettle and waiting while making the tea round. One
KettleTap does it all!
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multi function hot and cold tap for water as you want it[/caption]
Instant boiling taps
Not only do these multi-function hot taps look good in the kitchen, breakout room and boardroom they dispense hot and cold, boiling and chilled water and even sparkling; making it one tap for all your hydration needs. A wide range of models are available whether it’s for the family or an office of 10 or 100. Many people are switching over from the traditional and dangerous kettle on the basis of safety, style and ease. Once you have used a KettleTap for your daily cuppa you will get frustrated waiting for the kettle, and never look back!
With the temperature set at near boiling point for the perfect brew, a KettleTap makes fast and easy work of the cup of tea round! No waiting for the kettle to boil, wasting water and constantly refilling it, so delivering a huge saving on the mains water bill. Just heat what you need and use for all your drinking needs, continuously; and it’s so fast which is why time is optimised.
Hot taps are great and have so many uses; as well making hot drinks, you can tackle breakfast porridge pots and lunchtime instant snack pots, pasta, noodles or couscous in seconds!
Pop and make a cuppa and enjoy your refreshing brew on National Tea Day.