Adequate hydration is essential for people of all ages to enjoy maximum health for as many years as possible. As people age, hydration requirements change, and they need to drink more water. The body begins to lose its ability to detect thirst as it ages. For this reason, people over 50 should get into the habit of drinking 1 or 2 glasses of water with each meal, and drink a glass of water between meals whether they are thirsty or not.

The Importance of Adequate Hydration

The more people age, the more they need to watch their fluid intake. Individuals between the ages of 85 and 99 years old are 6 times more likely to experience dehydration than individuals between the ages of 65 and 69 years. As people age, their natural hydration levels decrease by approximately 15% by the age of 80, and this increases their risk for dehydration. It is important for family members and other caregivers to understand how vital adequate water intake is to the health of older people.


drinking waterStrategies for Encouraging Greater Hydration in Older Adults

There are some easy steps that family members or caregivers can take in order to improve hydration in older adults. They can be encouraged to drink more water throughout the day, and caregivers can make note of the amount of water that is consumed. Fluids should be made readily and easily available, and plenty of water should be consumed when taking medications. Adults do not have to drink water only to maintain adequate hydration. They can drink other healthy beverages of their chose to remain well hydrated such as herbal teas.

Drink More Water

Potentially life threatening consequences can result from dehydration. Health issues like hypotension, fatigue or even stroke can be caused by dehydration. It can also cause impaired cognition, acute confusion, falling and constipation as well. As people age, their kidneys have a reduced ability to retain water, concentrate urine or conserve sodium. Often when people get older, their thirst sensation diminishes, which makes it all the more crucial for older individuals to drink more water.

One way to keep on top of water intake is to download Water Cooler Directs drink alarm app either onto a desktop or iPhone.

