Does drinking hot water help with weight loss?
If you are thinking of trying a new regime to lose weight or simply want to have a healthier lifestyle, take a look at the hot water diet that’s really getting some strong reviews.
Drinking hot water boosts your metabolism and helps you lose weight in a healthy manner. Basically, hot water helps break down the fat molecules in your diet faster, which leads to weight loss.
The water should not be too hot that it burns your mouth but it should be warm maintaining the optimum temperature that can be tolerated by your body.
When you are just starting to incorporate hot water into your diet, it can dry up your mouth and you may feel irritable while consuming that glass of hot water. But with consistent consumption, you will find your taste buds and throat get accustomed to it.
As well as being very cost-effective, the hot water diet also brings some interesting health benefits as compared to other diets.
Why drinking hot water is healthy
Health-conscious people are adding warm or hot water to their daily consumption not just to stay hydrated. There is an ancient science known as Ayurveda that has long since advocated drinking hot water as an integral part of the human diet, and it seems to be making a comeback in the well-being world!
It has been proven that hot or warm water actually stimulates the peristalsis and the gastrointestinal tract in a positive way. This starts to raise your metabolism and helps to flush out those harmful toxins that love to settle in our bodies overnight and throughout the day. Obviously, water also hydrates our bodies and hot water can help us to feel less hungry as a bonus.
How hot is hot?
The hot water diet is where you drink half a cup of hot water right after waking up and another cup of hot water before consuming a meal. You have to ensure that the temperature of the water does not exceed 50 degrees Celsius and that it is not too hot for your mouth. The temperature is important in order to have the desired effect.
Do not drink too many glasses of hot water. Keep a target of between 3 and 5 cups during the entire day.
When life deals you lemons, put them in your hot drinks! Hot water on its own is great for the digestive system, but you may wish to play around with the flavour options a little. By adding some lemon or lime to the equation, you are not only making the whole concoction a little more pleasant to taste, but you are also upping the nutritional value somewhat. Herbal teas are another great option if you are looking to mix up flavours.
You could also add sliced cucumber, mint leaves or grated ginger. Just add them to a glass of water at night itself so that the juices get infused into the water. Heat up the infused water in the morning and drink it for better results.
Here are a few extra reasons to come and join the hot water diet brigade:
- Drinking hot water can ease those nasty winter cold symptoms
- Heartburn sufferers have noticed that drinking hot water reduces/relieves this condition
- It helps improve digestion and constipation
- The hot water diet has also been known to improve dry skin conditions
- If you add lemon to your morning cup of hot water, it can boost your immune system thanks to Vitamin C. Find out more about how drinking water and lemon can be good for your health.
Convenient instant hot taps
Heating up your water can be done in a variety of ways, but using an instant boiling KettleTap is the most effective and quickest way in our opinion. Not only do you get your boiling water at the touch of a button you also save valuable energy! Allow the water to cool to 50 degrees Celsius and take around ten minutes to drink the contents. If you can start the day off with a cup of hot water and take another about an hour before you eat your meals, you should see the benefits after a few weeks.
Upgrade your kitchen at home and in the workplace to the latest kitchen-must have. Save time, money and energy costs with a KettleTap. Ditch the kettle, why wait to make your hot water cups?
Fast and efficient, hot taps have the ability to handle office footfall. KettleTaps give you boiling water instantly; cup after cup delivering over 130 cups of tea per hour without waiting time. Of course, we also offer taps more suited in price and performance to the domestic environment.
A convenient and easy way to pour your hot water and realise so many health benefits.