Drinking More During Hot Weather
Well summer has truly arrived, and some say is here for a little while longer! Now is a perfect time to take a closer look at your hydration routine and, if necessary, start increasing your liquid intake accordingly in this heat.
As we start to ease out of lockdown and socialise more come July 4thwe will need to take hydration really quite seriously in these high temperatures.
First of all treat your hydration routine like a habit instead of just a phase. The sooner that you can introduce more liquid refreshment into your daily routine, the better.
Many of us simply put off drinking a glass of water because we fail to realise how devastating the effects of dehydration really can be. By keeping your glass or reusable bottle refilled with frequent visits to the bottled or plumbed in water cooler, it makes staying hydrated that much easier. Keep it within arm’s reach and take frequent sips as opposed to large gulps every now and again.
Plumbed in water dispensers
Coolers and fountains dispense chilled and filtered water that tastes so much better than the tap, with impurities removed, and makes drinking more water so much more palatable.
If you start to feel a little run down or deflated, take a drink and relax for a few minutes. Water is the best option because you are getting 100% hydration instead of a mouthful of unwanted additives that can have an adverse effect. Make sure your team has easy access to fresh drinking water dispensers in the workplace and encourage colleagues to fill their own reusable bottles to cut buying single use plastic water bottles!
As the work force is returning after lockdown, audit the number of hydration stations in the building to ensure the team has access in a safe and socially distanced way.
Teas and herbal teas are another great way to get water into your system – and a KettleTap makes fast work of this. Evening time is probably the best part of the day to follow this healthy routine. By developing this ‘drink more water’ habit, you will start to relax a little more whilst ensuring that dehydration is kept at a distance.
You can also review your food diet to include more high-water options. Whole foods are an excellent source for this and by consuming yoghurts, fruits such as watermelon, vegetables such as cucumber and pulses; you will boost your hydration levels without really any effort at all.
Choose to reuse
Whether you have a water cooler or fountain that serves filtered and chilled water, or like the multi-function taps in kitchen spaces that give hot, boiling and cold choose to refill and reuse.
Help turn off the plastic tap and refill a reusable bottle, such as Chilly’s and SHO, that keep hot drinks hot for 12 hours and cold water chilled for 24! Reusables are better for the environment because they use less oil, release less carbon dioxide, they won’t pack landfills, and they’re good for water in general.
As we enter a new phase in restarting the economy and think about returning to social activities as we start summer, just follow these simple tips and we can guarantee that you will feel alert and healthy all through this fabulous hazy, sunny spell! #DrinkMoreWater