Hands free water dispensers
We now live in a contactless world because of COVID-19 where safety and hygiene are of paramount importance in the workplace, as well as at home.
We know that coronavirus can spread from contaminated surfaces such as door handles and worktops; lift buttons and phones, so frequently cleaning these high-touch surfaces can help control infection. The office water cooler is no exception with its shared surface so consider hands free hydration.
So, a good choice in these challenging, infection-control times sees the Waterlogic hands-free ranges deliver a completelyhands-free operation that makes refilling your drinks bottles reassuringly safe and efficient, preventing the spread of germs with automatic sensor refill operation.
Waterlogic pedals for contactless operation
If you are considering a new water cooler, then look at these dispensers with hands-free foot operated pedals. This allows you to refill your reusable bottle or glass without touching the machine. You can even order the pedals separately and upgrade your current water dispenser to make it even safer for your team in the office environment.
Available on our website we offer a range of Waterlogic plumbed in dispensers from counter tops to floor standing and high capacity refill stations for the most demanding applications. Many of these water dispensers boast the Waterlogic Firewall® UV purification system with cold, ambient, sparkling, hot & extra hot options also available.
Visit here for the latest product news and the range of Waterlogic pedal conversion kits to make your hydration station contactless!
Firms with water coolers, dispensers and fountains should review office hygiene processes and ensure all communal areas are cleaned regularly with checks and monitoring in place.
- Provide alcohol wipes and implement regular cleaning with anti-bac sprays to help minimise risks.
- Provide guidance on the correct method of hand washing (wash hands frequently)
- Install signs near any drinking equipment, advising staff to not to touch the areas around the fountain of their reusable water bottle and to clean their refill bottles regularly
- Provide adequate sanitisation facilities (wipes and anti-bacterial hand gel) for people using the dispensers. Also ensure anti-bac soap and hot water is available in all bathroom facilities and gels on door entry and exit points.
- Provide 1m/2m distancing signage for people to form a safe queue.
We are very much open for business, on our website and live chat at www.watercoolersdirect com. Our field engineers have strict health and sanitisation procedures and our logistics partners deliver safely. We are helping many businesses re-open safely and efficiently. Whether you are looking to expand your hydration provision to support your team in the new way at work or want to convert current coolers to be contactless please do get in touch so we can look at all the options. You may want us to come and do a 'deep clean' or your drinking water equipment and service to make sure its all restored and working safely and efficiently.
You can talk to our friendly sales team on 0800 7311 491 to seek the right cooler advice and talk health and hygiene. But please do keep checking the Government and NHS sites for the latest information and advice.