People don't usually think of water as being a mood-enhancer. However, studies have showed that there are mental as well as physical benefits to drinking water. A number of studies have been conducted on the connection with some very surprising results. They all show that dehydration can affect the mood in a number of ways, and can even make focusing on everyday tasks more difficult.

Affects Short-Term Memorydreamstime_xs_28765133 One study was performed on two groups of people during an exercise regimen. One group was permitted to drink plenty of fluids while working out, while the other one was denied water. Those in the first group tended to be more positive afterwards than people in the second group. In addition, those in the second group also reported mild short-term memory loss, and a few of them were confused and fatigued as well. Decreases Concentration Researchers at the University of Connecticut determined that mood changes as a result of dehydration can occur whether a person is inactive or performing strenuous exercise. Mild dehydration, which is defined as being a 1.5 percent loss in fluids, can result in a decrease in concentration and memory. This condition can also make learning and reasoning more difficult as well. These symptoms can be experienced by people of all ages, and affect individuals who are otherwise in extremely good health. Men and Women Affected Differently According to one study that was performed, dehydration tends to affect men and women differently. This study was done on 51 healthy men and women, who all walked on a treadmill in order to become dehydrated. These individuals were then tested for reaction time, concentration, alertness, mood level, memory and learning abilities. What the researchers found was that dehydration tended to cause significant changes in cognitive ability, affecting both their alertness and their memory. The women in the group showed more signs of tension and anxiety, and were more fatigued than the male subjects as well. Avoiding Mood Changes In order to remain mentally alert and avoid mood changes, people should drink plenty of water on a regular basis throughout the day. By the time a person becomes thirsty, he or she is already beginning to be dehydrated, and may therefore notice changes as a result. At least six to eight glasses of water are needed, regardless of physical activity, and those who are exposed to the heat or perform strenuous exercise may need an additional two to four glasses a day. Those who want to feel better mentally and physically should make sure to drink plenty of water each day. Water benefits the body by flushing out toxins, but it also benefits the mind by helping people stay mentally alert and capable of remembering things. The brain, like other major organs, can only function well when it is fully hydrated, which is just one reason why drinking plenty of water each day is so important for everyone to do.