So it's time for our students to make all of that hard work finally pay off, yes the exam weeks are now upon us! However, were you also aware that drinking water regularly and staying hydrated is almost as vital as all of those months of hard revision? Would you be surprised to learn that students are only allowed to bring a single bottle of water in for the entire duration of an exam? Let's take a closer look at how these facts tie in nicely together for this milestone event in every student's life.

Your brain and how it needs water

Although it is no secret that our bodies constantly need water, you may not know that our brains are just as receptive to this ‘superliquid'. Dehydration can cause all types of issues as far as our brain is concerned; the likes of fatigue, headaches, memory issues and depression all have connections to dehydration. For those students who are looking for ways to increase their brain capacity, they should be looking at their drinking habits and we are talking about H2O here! Your brain is made up from 85% of water and if this starts to dehydrate, the energy levels will soon begin to fade.

500ml of water limit for each exam

According to a number of regulated student's websites, one of the items that you are allowed to bring into each exam is 500ml of water. Although even more may be advised, please do not overlook this vital aid. Try to drink small sips throughout the exam and leave a little in reserve for the end. So many of our students totally forget or simply cannot be bothered to take water into the exam halls and who knows if that affects the overall results, but why take this unnecessary risk in the first place?

Stay hydrated at home and in school or college

Water bottles are fine for the exam itself but check out your school and see where the drinking water fountains and chilled water dispensers are located. These offer free water whenever you need it and do away with the need to carry a disposable plastic water bottle. You should also think about having a similar device installed at home because we certainly have more than enough plastic bottles to deal with and a refreshing cool glass of water is way better for your brain than some sugar-filled, fizzy branded soft drink.

If you want to look after your brain and ensure that it is there when you need it, stick to chilled and great tasting, filtered water before, during and after the exams – Good Luck!