How to Descale a Zip Hydrotap
Keep your team and workplace colleagues happy and keep your hot beverage machines working and in tip top condition. Equipment failures at coffee and tea time can be catastrophic for all concerned!
Make sure you give your Zip HydroTap some regular TLC! Here’s how we can help.
Why scale management is important for Zip taps ?
Limescale build up can have a devastating effect on the heating elements in drinking water boilers and instant kettletaps, reducing equipment lifespan by a staggering 40%. Scale build up on the element results in reduced energy transfer to the water, leading to higher energy bills, increased maintenance costs for descaling, a shorter life span for the product, and potential downtime in the canteen or staff room through equipment break downs.
Just think of it like a traditional kettle, but under the sink and out of sight, where you can’t see the scale build up!
So a very much unwanted and unnecessary expense and distraction for any business, impacting on capital investment, productivity and morale. The good news is this can be avoided with proper filtration for scale and regular servicing; for peace of mind if nothing else!
What do Zip scale filters do?
Scale management filters are designed to minimise the risk of equipment failure and reduce overall running costs by preventing the build-up of scale. Designed for different capacities depending upon water hardness, filters should be replaced regularly according to usage, to keep your drinking water instant hot taps and boilers in optimum working condition.
Scale management filters help to ensure trouble-free operation while delivering all the benefits of great tasting, clean and filtered water; without lime. We deliver the most advanced scale management technology to descale Zip hot taps and other products in our range of hot hydration solutions.
For such an important and responsible task, you are best to receive prompt attention from our highly skilled service engineers who are WRAS-approved and members of the SafeContractor scheme.
For owners of any instant hot taps that reaches (or nearly reaches) boiling point; a service contract is highly recommended for machines situated in hard water areas, or for those machines situated where the water supply has an off-putting taste or smell.
As well as new customers, those who already own one of the products we sell, regardless of where you purchased it, can purchase one of our affordable maintenance contracts. With a service contract it’s all budgeted and in place reducing the paperwork and hassle – and keeping your hydration station up and running.
Regular filter changes reduce chlorine and improve the taste and or smell of your drinking water.
Trust our engineers to descale your Zip HydroTap
The descale process takes a qualified service engineer about 45 minutes to complete. After isolating the unit, the engineer can then access the tank safely. The descale powder, or liquid, is then administered and left to work its magic for around twenty or so minutes depending on the severity of the scale build up. The unit is then drained and flushed completely through to thoroughly remove the chemical cleaner and the HydroTap is recommissioned ready for the next tea round.
Maintenance pays for Zip HydroTaps
Call outs, servicing, descaling, filter changes. Our wide range of service options can be tailored to meet your needs from callouts for breakdowns, to PPM machine servicing and descaling (3 and 6 month contracts available depending on the severity of the hard water in your area). We are specialists in the repair and servicing of Zip HydroTaps.
We ensure all maintenance operations are carried out by fully qualified service engineers, to certified levels and best practice. Engage with our professional, reliable nationwide service; they carry spare parts for all the drinking water products that we sell, taking pride in quality and delivering customer satisfaction.
Scheduled maintenance visits are planned by our helpful Customer Operations team to suit your company open times and access, to ensure minimum downtime and restore your equipment back to full working order within hours!
It is so important to keep on top of limescale and descale your Zip Hydrotap on a regualr basis. We are here to help facilitate this process so it’s worth arranging for one of our qualified service engineers to visit and do it for you! If you descale your Zip HydroTap you can extend the life of your hydration equipment, save money and keep your operations running smoothly and hassle-free. It’s most important to keep the tea round functioning for a well-hydrated and happy workforce!
Zip Engineers
As well as service care we have a wider range of Zip taps online here.
Call our customer service team on 0800 731 1491 to see how we can help you with Zip tap provision, service, repair and maintenance with our qualified nationwide engineers.