As companies ramp up the return to work for their teams after lockdown and the school holidays, protecting the health and hygiene of your staff has never been so important. If your water dispensers with filtration systems have been idle or under-used for prolonged periods now is the time to carry out a maintenance service with the highest approach to sanitation, even more critical in this current climate.

It's important to keep your water cooler clean in good operational condition for pure, great tasting, chilled and filtered water. We partner with the leading experts in advanced filtration technology including 3M, Everpure and Brita.

Water changes on its journey

Water as nature intended, is pure and simple but it doesn’t stay that way for long. By the time drinking water reaches our workplace it can contain many impurities – including chlorine, sediment and scale forming minerals - with a taste and odour that can taint and contaminate food and drinks. Airborne pollution, deposits from old pipes and chemical exposure all play their part in diluting the purity of water - which may already have been recycled many times over. Chemicals are added to counteract these unwanted additives – further removing the water from its original state.

In the hot and cold drinking water kitchen appliances we use to make our coffee, tea and fill our reusable bottles or glasses with chilled water, they all benefit from purification and filtration to deliver water with consistency in taste, quality, colour and odour. Regular filter changes, servicing and maintenance helps extend equipment life and keeps your cooler or hot tap in top working order.

glass water with lemon

Water purification filters

If the cooler or water dispenser has been switched off or not used for a short time, up to 2 or 3 days, then the cartridge should be flushed with a minimum of 5 litres of water. This action will clear any bacteria that has built up as a result of term changes in temperature and light intensity which can affect water quality including taste and odour.

If the machine has not been used for a period of 4 weeks or more then the filter cartridge should be replaced. Bacteria and toxins that could be harmful to consume will have multiplied during this prolonged period of non-use.

Sanitise your cooler regularly

It is also essential to keep the outside of your cooler or fountain clean. It only takes a minute with an antibacterial wipe to keep shared hard surfaces sanitised! Provide alcohol wipes and implement regular cleaning with anti-bac sprays to help minimise the spread of germs.

It is recommended to regularly sanitise the mouth and water contact parts of your water dispenser (cooler or fountain), especially the tap mechanism, as well the mains pipes/lines where water can hold, to remove biofilm and other bacteria from the cooler system. Biofilm is organic matter that contains bacteria and can build up on the waster contact surfaces of both bottled and plumbed in coolers.

Empty and clean the drip tray regularly. To prevent dirt building up and water leaking from your cooler, simply remove and empty the drip tray. It only takes a minute to do!

Water cooler sanitisation kit

Order filters and sanitisation kits

We have filters and sani kits in stock so get ahead in the back to work rush and order products now.

Purification filters can be ordered here and cooler sani kits can be ordered here.

Also consider the number and location of your hydration stations. With social distancing mandatory you may wish to increase the number of coolers and dispensers available in your office to avoid gatherings and queues and provide adequate water access for your team to keep hydrated and healthy.

You can talk to our friendly sales team on 0800 731 1491 to seek the right advice. If you would prefer one of our water engineers to attend site and ensure your equipment is fully sanitised and safe to use, we can also arrange that for you.