How to stay hydrated in the workplace
As the warmer weather approaches, it's important to be well hydrated at work for general wellbeing. Staying healthy and alert in the workplace is key in maintaining optimum productivity levels and morale amongst the team.
While there is a clear duty on the employer to provide drinking water at work, under the Workplace Regulations 1992, we often find it hard to remember to actually drink the required daily amount to stave off dehydration. And many of us simply don’t find water that interesting or tasty!
Here are some top tips to stay hydrated and drink more water at work.
Hydration Means Good Health
It is vital that we have easy access to fresh drinking water whether it is chilled for sipping or boiling for making beverages and hot snacks such as porridge, soups or instant pasta pots. By ignoring thirst pangs, we risk nausea, headaches, overall lethargy and even kidney damage in the long run. Irritable workers are not happy workers and by denying such a basic option as fresh drinking water, we could soon be looking at a sharp drop in both morale and output.
Did you know that health issues such as severe tiredness, headaches, weight gain, high blood pressure or kidney complications, might be linked to not drinking enough water. Often seen in the workplace though incessant headaches and struggling to concentrate, which means our colleagues indirectly suffer too!
Water Cooler Moments
If your workplace is rather thin on the ground as far as fresh water options are concerned, instead of looking into a vending machine, think about adding another office water cooler instead? Install one in the breakout area and perhaps a couple around the busier parts of the workplace and there will soon be a marked improvement in all areas of the business. These devices always serve up fresh, pure tasting, filtered water where chemicals or pollutants are literally filtered out! There are many models to suit location, capacity, footfall and mains supply.
Jazz Up Plain Water
One of the main reasons people struggle to drink more water is that it’s just too boring in taste. As a result many of us reach for fizzy and energy drinks thinking they’re topping up their fluids effectively. This is bad for us on a number of fronts. Firstly most of these drinks are high in sugar.
Having a sugary or fizzy drink instead of fresh, cold water is not the answer to our thirst issues. Not only will these help to pile on the pounds, they also are far less effective at beating dehydration. You only have to look at the news every day to see that Diabetes and obesity are on the rise and neither of these conditions is related to drinking fresh water on a daily basis.
Installing a plumbed in water cooler or drinking water fountain that serves chilled and filtered water tastes so much better than from the mains tap. Chilled water is much more appealing and pure. Liven up your water by adding ice cubes with 100% fruit juice to your water or add wedges of lemon, orange, lime, and cucumber to infuse. Add mint too, it tastes so fresh.
Refill not Landfill
The other bad thing to come from fizzy, sugary drinks is the global plastic pollution issue that our planet faces. These drinks come in single-use plastic bottles where a staggering 57% are not recycled and end up in landfill, the ocean and in the stomachs of our sea life.
Go for plumbed in hydration points in the office to refill reusable bottles and save buying pointless single-use water and fizzy drinks bottles. Good for you and the environment. More and more offices are installing self-fill drinking water stations for this very reason to cut waste.
Don’t Forget Hot!
It’s not just cold water that can help quench your thirst! If your office or workplace invests in an instant hot water KettleTap, you can get boiling water instantly at the touch of the button. Instant hot taps will help speed up the tea round and improve overall productivity and wellbeing in the workplace.
Remember the benefits that drinking enough water will bring to your working life. The list is impressive: increasing energy, concentration and relieving tiredness; encouraging weight loss with a healthy diet; flushing out unwanted toxins and improving skin complexion; good digestion; boosting your immune system, and reducing headaches!
Hydration helps put you in a good mood. When your body is functioning at its best you will feel great and perform better! Get in touch and we can see how we can help!