Making BBC news headlines again this week...  Children's Sugar intake should be controlled!  Whilst it has long since been common knowledge that sweet things and children are not exactly a match made in heaven, this report has brought parents bang up to date on the way that a child's sugar intake really does need to be monitored sooner rather than later. They've advised that it is imperative that we, as a nation, start to swap out the ice cream portions and fizzy pop for something far healthier. Fresh water and yoghurt are certainly on the agenda menu and these substitutes will help to make those changes in small yet vital steps. Also, a Netmums survey has uncovered further concerns from parents that our kids currently are consuming way too much sugar on a daily basis and apart from turning them into hyperactive little monsters; the potential consequences are far more dangerous. Diabetes Type 2, cancer and heart disease are all possible issues that come with obesity as a result of a poorly controlled diet. But it isn't all bad news because the facts are there for all to see – fresh drinking water is pretty much free and your kids are going to love it! You needn't shell out on endless bottles of mineral water, just look into something as simple as a mixed hot and cold tap or perhaps a domestic cooler for the home would suit your household better? Either of these is far cheaper than one of those huge American style fridges and they take up way less space in your kitchen. Although your kids may moan a little initially at the idea of changing their drinking habits, these ingenious devices incorporate a hidden filter system that ensures the water is both totally safe and delicious as well! We're not suggesting that your lovely little darlings face a lifetime ban from fizzy drinks and sweets but, by adding more fresh water and healthier food options in their daily diets, you can give them the best start in life. To read more on the Public Health England Change4Life Sugar Swaps campaign please visit