No matter how healthy you are or whatever your age happens to be, staying nicely hydrated is key to feeling and looking great. But if you are an athlete or simply enjoy more than the typical amount of daily exercise, it is even more vital to increase your daily water intake as laid out by the experts. Here we look at some facts that can not only keep you nice and healthy when followed, but may also lift you when you are feeling a bit sluggish.Key hydration tips In terms of maintaining a healthy fluid balance in your body, the urinary tract has to be right at the top. In order to keep this system working properly, we must stay hydrated throughout the day. Once dehydration starts to kick in, something called the hypothalamus detects this change and begins to release a hormone known as vasopressin. This triggers our thirst and tells our kidneys to start conserving water. Although this incredible set of actions will help our bodies to deal with dehydration, if we continue to remain in this state, we risk an infection to our urinary tract that could cause kidney stones and even more critical illnesses.Do not wait until thirst kicks in! Although we get a real thirst on when dehydration starts to rear its ugly head, we should not rely on this timely reminder every time. It is far better to plan our drinking habits throughout the day because thirst alone is not reliable enough to stave off the dreaded “D” word. Why not download our drink alarm app and get reminders when you need to top up your water levels! Here are a few reasons why thirst develops:·In some cases, thirst may be caused by something as simple as a recent meal or snack. Eating salty or spicy foods can cause you to suddenly feel thirsty.·You will usually feel thirsty because you're not drinking the amount of fluid your body needs. This may be because you've been sweating heavily after a workout or you've lost fluid because you have diarrhoea and are vomiting.Stay Hydrated So instead of waiting for thirst to start kicking in, why not avoid it altogether and stay hydrated? By ensuring that you have easy access to cool and hot drinking water at all times, you will lessen the chances of dehydration greatly. Look into installing a chilled filtered water cooler or drinks dispenser into your home and workplace and also look closer at how instant boiling water taps can have a very positive effect on both your health and timesaving requirements. Information source;