It’s that time of year again with Black Friday at the end of the week but although the deals are already landing thick and fast, a different feeling is emerging


It’s true that this year we are starting to observe and feel a different vibe. Huge amounts of product – that was due to be in store and in a warehouse before now – is somewhere sitting in containers, dockside or at sea. So, there is a material reduction in the amount of ‘stuff’ that retailers can offer to consumers, which could result in a bit of a Black Friday flop.

The sustainability agenda is starting to weave its way into people’s minds and affect consumerology! Do I really need that? Is this just tat? Am I better taking someone out for a meal and conversation rather than buying more stuff?

After 2020 and lockdown there is a changing attitude where values, relationships and experiences matter more than consumer goods.

We can see the focus already starting to shift to sustainability and environmental values. There seems to be a dip in the days of buying fast fashion and not wearing it again and this is across all areas of home and work life.

Less stuff means less waste too and encourages reuse.

Why is Black Friday so popular?

Back in 2010, the online retail giant Amazon introduced the event to the UK. Owned by America’s biggest retailer Walmart, Asda followed suit in 2013. Cyber Monday always follows swiftly of the heels of Black Friday.

One could think that the gains made in November are cancelled out by reduced transactions in the shorter December month, as customers have already bought their seasonal gifts, often at lower prices. In order to turn this risk into a positive, you need to view Black Friday as the beginning of a campaign that will keep people coming to you throughout the final months of the year.

That said there is no denying that Amazon is one of the best places to shop this Black Friday, and the online giant has some huge discounts of up to 45% off across many tech and appliance categories.

reusable water bottle Chilly's

Refill Revolution

In the hydration and wellbeing sector we promote our best offers, limited editions, and lowest prices with protecting the planet values in mind!

But because all our hydration products for the home or office kitchen promote refill and the use of reusable cups and bottles, we know we are helping to make life more sustainable with a view to preventing plastic entering landfill and the oceans.

Ultimately, the Black Friday future may not be a bright one, but it could be a green one with consumers making the final calls.

Less stuff and clutter in our lives means the massive, chaotic purchasing of stuff just for the sake of it will possibly dwindle.

As specialists in sustainable hydration our focus is on refill. Choose to stop buying single use plastic and help stop plastic waste at source

Being green doesn’t have to cost the earth.