Is porridge healthy?
With the weather turning a little colder in Autumn, it’s nice to have a hot, warming breakfast at home, at your desk or on the go to set you up for the day! The choice of instant porridge pots and flavours is huge and with a boiling hot tap it takes just a moment to make a healthy breakfast option quickly. Add some fruit to jazz it up and feel fuller for longer.
Porridge is the traditional breakfast of champions with a bowl full of health benefits, from lowering cholesterol to supporting weight-loss.
- Loaded with vitamins and minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium and B vitamins.
- 6g protein per 1/2 cup dry oats
- Rich in polyphenols
- Heart-healthy
- Fibre-rich
Why is porridge healthy?
A small bowl of porridge each day could be the key to a longer and healthier lifestyle. Oats are the breakfast choice for many athletes and dieters as they are high in fibre and release energy slowly throughout the day keeping you feeling for fuller for longer, helping to reduce snacking and overeating. Porridge and wholegrains help to:- Lower blood pressure
- Lower cholesterol
- Promote healthy gut bacteria and boost bone mineral density
- Provide a source of fibre and protein
- Reduce high blood sugars linked to diabetes