Recent studies have shown that those who consume one or more soft drinks per day stand a higher chance of developing diabetes later in their lives. While opening a can of fizzy drink is convenient when we are thirsty, it seems like this habit is doing our health far more harm than good. This is just one reason why it is far better for us to learn to drink more water as a natural thirst quencher instead.

More Public Health Information Required

Although many people are aware that there are many water benefits relating to their health, it would seem that most choose to ignore nature's call to drink more water. A European study that was investigating the possibility of a link between poor diet choices and cancer showed that for each can of soft drink that was consumed, the risk of developing diabetes increased substantially. Dora Romaguera, who was the lead researcher in the study, stated that it is important for the public to be made aware of the health risks associated with excessive fizzy drinks consumption.

Diet Soft Drinks May be no Better

In many instances, those who consume diet soft drinks are under the impression that they do not need to drink more water because their drinks do not contain sugar. However, the study showed that the risk of developing diabetes may be just as high as it was in those who consume sugar-laden varieties, especially if their body mass index is higher than it should be. In many cases, those who consume diet soft drinks usually end up eating more because these drinks offer virtually no calories or nutritional benefits whatsoever.

An Easy Risk to Eliminate

While consuming soft drinks in moderation will not cause any harm, it may actually be best to eliminate them from our diets completely. Although they may offer a temporary pick-me-up in the form of sugar and caffeine, these effects are usually short-lived, which results in more and more fizzy drinks being consumed. Eventually the pancreas is not able to keep up with insulin production, leading to the development of diabetes.

More Water Benefits than we Realise

Those who decide to limit their soft drink intake and drink more water instead will notice that they are more energetic and less lethargic than before. Water is the only liquid that is able to flush the toxins that are responsible for a host of health conditions from our bodies. Other water benefits include ensuring that the organs are kept operating as they should, especially the pancreas, which is responsible for insulin production.

At Water Coolers Direct we have created a handy drink alarm app to help you know how much water your body needs and at what times you should be drinking. The app can be easily downloaded onto your desktop or iPhone and allows you to view your daily, weekly and monthly hydration progress.