Summer is On the Way

Even though it's hard to believe with the weather we are currently experiencing, it is now officially spring and that means summer is just around the corner. Spring for many, signifies the time to start working on appearances before having to get into beach outfits. According to a public vote carried out in December 2012 we are set for a heat wave in 2013. Over 10% of those who voted predicted summer sun and these public votes have been known to come true! In 2011, two of the many predictions made that actually happened during 2012 included Kate Middleton's pregnancy and the introduction of Facebook shares.

Start Preparing for Summer

In many cases, the preparation involves starting a diet plan or simply making a few changes to eating or drinking habits. One of the easiest ways to begin improving one's appearance is to drink more water. Not only will this ensure that you remain sufficiently hydrated; it will also make it far easier for unwanted toxins to be flushed out of your body. This in turn will contribute towards a radiant appearance this summer.

Drink More Water to Aid Weight Loss

Research has shown on many counts that those who drink more water may find it far easier to maintain a healthy body weight than those who don't. This is because water not only helps to hydrate the body, but it also ensures that waste material is successfully flushed from it at the same time. Once the waste matter is eliminated, the water we drink helps our organs to function optimally and in turn improve our metabolism. By improving the body's metabolic rate, it means that calories are burned more efficiently which usually results in weight loss. Having a water bottle with you at all times can help to ensure that you get your recommended intake of water, fill up where ever possible, at the office water cooler or at home.

Improve Joint Health and Build Muscle

Not many people are aware that water is able to help build muscle tissue by carrying oxygen cells into the body. Drinking pure water enables the muscles to perform better for longer periods of time, which allows additional muscle tissue to develop. Our joints also require sufficient water in order to stay healthy and lubricated. Should a person not drink enough water, it can lead to severe joint pain or even joint damage in severe instances. The water we take in enables the joints to operate more smoothly which prevents them from becoming damaged or injured. So, next time you are visiting the gym make sure you utilise the water fountains available and keep hydrated!

Look Younger for Longer

It is a known fact that those who drink more water look far younger than those who don't. This is because water keeps our skin and body hydrated, which helps prevent the formation of wrinkles and age lines, especially in the facial area. Many older women who look extremely young state that they attribute much of their youthfulness to drinking a healthy amount of pure water every day.

Download the Water Coolers Direct free drink alarm app to help you stay hydrated throughout the day.

drink more water