Along with the well-known health benefits water can bring, recent findings based on scientific research indicate that coffee and tea may have significant health benefits too, especially with type 2 diabetes. Research results compiled in both the UK and the Netherlands showed that coffee and tea drinkers who consumed at least 4 cups of tea each day or 3 to 4 cups of coffee daily had a 20% lower risk of developing the disease. Special Health Benefits of Coffee and Tea   One study conducted at the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC) suggests that the caffeine in coffee stimulates the drinker's metabolism and increases energy level which may help keep glucose in balance. Tea is known to contain flavonoid antioxidants and polyphenols which have been shown to have positive effects on glucose uptake and digestion. These influences on glucose help reduce the chances of developing diabetes among those who drink at least 4 cups of tea or coffee each day. Coffee and Tea Brewing made Easy   Hot water taps installed at home and at work make coffee or tea brewing fast and easy. The taps that can be installed at any kitchen sink are able to produce steaming hot water at 200 degrees Fahrenheit instantly. Not only can hot water taps help make quick cups of coffee and tea, they can also make cooking and cleaning easier and more efficient. The taps also filter out chlorine and other substances that cause water to have an unpleasant odor or taste. Making the process of brewing coffee and tea at home and at work easier may encourage people to drink more “healthy drinks” as oppose to quick sugary/fizzy beverages. The Health Benefits of Water   Drinking plenty of water helps the human body maintain the right balance of fluids. Water coolers or water dispensers providing fresh, clean filtered water in homes and offices can help people maintain a healthy water intake. Water also helps energise muscles and keeps skin hydrated and healthy in appearance. An adequate intake of water helps keep the kidneys functioning properly and kidneys keep toxins flushed out of the body as long as they have adequate hydration. The body is made up of approximately 60% water; therefore keeping hydrated vital for keeping the body in good shape both inside and out. There is little more important to the human body than an adequate supply of clean water. From reduction of risks associated with type 2 diabetes to healthier kidney function and clearer skin, water holds the key to better health. If you are interested in adding a hot tap or water dispenser to your home or office, contact our team today on 0800 7311 491 who can talk through your requirements with you.