Today is World Health Day
Today is the WHO’s World Health Day and it has never been so poignant and vital. This year the focus is on nurses and midwives and showing our support for the fantastic work they do, as well as reminding world leaders of the critical role nurses play in keeping the world healthy.
Of course, this is at the forefront of everything we are doing to thank and support the UK NHS in this terrifying pandemic.
Part of staying strong and having hope that we will get through this safely with our families, is having good mental and physical health and wellbeing.
Hydration boosts good health
It is vital that we have easy access to fresh drinking water whether it be cool for sipping or boiling for making beverages and hot snacks such as soups or instant noodles. By ignoring thirst pangs, we risk nausea, headaches, irritability, overall lethargy and even kidney damage in the long run.
Staying healthy and alert is key for maintaining both morale and positivity.
Working from home
In the workplace having water cooler hydration stations for teams and departments allows the crew to refill a reusable bottle and performance and productivity will soon increase. Access to fresh, pure tasting, filtered water without any chemicals or pollutants is important for health and wellbeing.
Working from home is affecting so many of us right now. Maybe a bottled water cooler with 15l recyclable bottles makes sense for your household and saves lugging heavy expensive single-use plastic bottles when you do your essential shop. We have some really offers on right now to help.
Avoid sugary drinks
Don’t be tempted to grab a sugary or fizzy pop instead of fresh, chilled and filtered water. Not only will these help to pile on the pounds, they also are far less effective at beating dehydration. You only have to see the rise in Diabetes and obesity and neither of these conditions is related to drinking 2 – 3 litres of fresh water on a daily basis.
Instant hot taps
It’s not just cold water that can help quench your thirst! Many homes and offices are upscaling with an instant hot tap, KettleTap. Great for all your hot drinks and instant snacks, energy and eco efficient a KettleTap saves wasting water re-boiling the kettle time and again.
One tap does it all: cold, chilled and boiling, even sparkling for all your drinking water needs in one convenient kitchen appliance.
So by keeping as heathy as possible we hope to relieve some of the pressure on our wonderful NHS nurses allowing them to care for those that really need help.