Top 8 Reasons to Drink Water
We all know that it's important to drink plenty of water but here are the top 8 reasons why we should and how you can benefit by staying hydrated:
- Keep Headaches at Bay – A lot of headaches are due to dehydration so keeping topped up with water is a good way to prevent them. It can also help to drink a glass of water (ideally at room temperature as it enters the blood stream quicker) at the first sign of a headache to soothe it.
- Sorted Skin – Skin is the largest organ of the body and so needs looking after.By staying hydrated your skin is improved. As well as providing dry skin with more moisture, drinking water also flushes out toxins helping to remove bacteria and preventing spots.
- Improve Concentration Levels – The brain is made up of 85% water and so needs to be kept hydrated to keep it working at its best and to aid concentration.
- Feel less tired – The body needs to be kept hydrated to enable it to work at its optimum. Drinking water really does give you more energy and leaves you feeling less lethargic.
- 5. Flush out toxins – It is essential for our bodies to flush out toxins that build up from everyday life and cause aches, pains and tension. Water enables our bodies to flush them out more effectively.
- 6. Thirsty or Hungry? –It is common for people to confuse dehydration with hunger and eat something when actually they just need a glass of water, try reaching for your water instead of a snack when you feel hungry in between meals as suggested on the Dietriffic article - How Much Water Should I Drink?.
- 7. Weight loss with Water - There have been studies that suggest it is easier to lose weight when consuming the correct amount of water as it suppresses the appetite. Recent research has also shown that by drinking 2 glasses of water before a meal we are less inclined to over eat and therefore lose weight. Water is also calorie free as opposed to other drinks.
- Stay Regular – Constipation is a definite sign that your body isn't getting enough water so try drinking more water to alleviate the symptoms.