When it comes to water supplies, the UK has one of the safest in the world however, this doesn't cover taste! Water companies for the UK have made significant investments over the past few decades which have paid off in making our water supply safe but not necessarily the tastiest. The difference in water tastes up and down the country come down to location and if you are in a hard or soft water area.

Every year experts compare water across the UK to determine where the best tasting water is. You can read more on this subject via the BBC website.

Consider Using Plumbed in Water Coolers

Although tap water in the UK is of an extremely high quality, making use of plumbed in water coolers in homes, schools and offices can ensure a steady supply of chilled drinking water without the tastes associated with hard and soft water areas. This will encourage people to drink more water instead of reaching for fizzy drinks or other unhealthy beverages when they feel thirsty. Those who drink sufficient amounts of water each day are usually far healthier than those who don't! There are various makes and models of plumbed in water coolers available which ensures that there is one to suit virtually every budget.

under sink water dispenser

Why We Should Drink More Water

Our bodies are comprised of a significant portion of water which is responsible for performing various bodily functions. If the water level in the body drops by as little as 2% lower than it should be, dehydration begins to manifest in various ways. These can include headaches, muscle cramps, general fatigue and even loss of concentration. Water is also the only substance that is able to assist with safely eliminating toxins from the body. When we drink more water, we also feel more energetic because it enables the internal organs to function optimally.

Appreciate One of the World's Best Water Supplies

Those living in the UK have the advantage in that they are able to enjoy one of the EU's finest supplies of tap water. Combining this with the installation of plumbed in water coolers will ensure ultimate convenience when it comes to having chilled drinking water on hand.

Water companies in the UK have committed themselves to supplying the very best quality of drinking water possible and after revealing the results of the Better Life Index environment survey; their efforts in this regard have paid off.

At Water Coolers Direct we offer a range of plumbed in water coolers and under sink water dispensers which provide a constant supply of chilled filtered water which is free from any chlorine or impurities. Please call our team on 0800 7311 491 to discuss our range of coolers and dispensers further.