It seems that there's a new story almost every other day in the news with regards to our kids' health and their eating and drinking habits. But these are far more serious than just a few marketing scares. Here we take a closer look at how the authorities and even supermarkets are finally starting to do something about dehydration and obesity amongst children here in the UK.

The risks of dehydration in children

A recent study taken out by the American Journal of Public Health has highlighted the very real issues that children face when they fail to drink enough water throughout the day. According to Erica Kenney, one of the researchers, there are even more health risks attached to children and dehydration than we first believed. Dehydration is connected to both emotional and cognitive functioning in children as well as having serious health risks. Even light dehydration can cause any number of issues in children including headaches and bad tempers. Although this was an exclusive USA based study, the comparisons with our own children are there to be seen.

Supermarket giants and sugary drinks

Recent news headlines have indicated that Tesco supermarket is about to say goodbye to some well-known sugary drinks for good. These include the iconic Ribena and many other household brands. This is a direct action to tackle obesity on UK children and is to be applauded, hopefully the other large retailers will soon maybe follow suit. The answer is staring us right in the face because by replacing these beverages with fresh drinking water is the only way to go. Water is good on so many levels and that includes the costs and carbon footprint departments too. Tesco have undertaken a 10-point plan in their battle against obesity here in the UK and it will be interesting to see where this goes next.

Healthy Hydration in Schools

Water Coolers Direct are a step ahead of the game and we have already established their Healthy Hydration in Schools program. WCD are working in conjunction with UK schools and are donating refurbished water coolers and sports bottles to help battle dehydration in our schools. The Water Coolers Direct badge is being displayed by all participating schools and it is hoped that one day every UK school will be a part of this extremely worthwhile cause.

Our children are just too valuable to place at risk from dehydration and obesity so please think before you reach for that sugary drink the next time you are in the supermarket, start thinking about fresh drinking water instead – your kids will thank you one day!