2014 marks a significant milestone for Water Coolers Direct as we celebrate ten years in business! For the last decade, we have been supplying hot and cold water dispensers to an array of customers all across the UK; from schools and community centres to large-scale corporate companies.

Throughout our journey we have developed a genuine passion for water; we have discovered the amazing health benefits that drinking water can provide, from helping your vital organs to function properly and maintaining a healthy level of hydration.

We are always looking for ways to share this knowledge and passion for hydration with others so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of water!  One way in which we have been spreading our love for all-things-water is by supporting local charities, including our most recent alliance with the Royal Voluntary Service.

Royal Voluntary Service is an established organisation that works with over 40,000 volunteers across the UK to help and support older people. One of the campaigns Royal Voluntary Service is running to help raise money is the ‘Great Brew Break', which encourages people to get together over a cup of tea and take a well-earned break! During April and May, several organised events were held across the country, however all year round people are supporting this great cause by throwing tea parties at home, work and even online.

WaterCoolersDirect.com loves this idea and we were very keen to get involved and show our support. We have been running our #bringbackthetearound campaign on our social channels, to encourage everyone to make a cup of tea for all those around, rather than just themselves. If you would like to be involved, please head over to http://www.royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk/fundraise/ways-to-fundraise/great-brew-break/great-brew-break-ideas

As part of our collaboration, we are launching an exciting new competition, courtesy of our friends at Heatrae Sadia; giving you the opportunity to win a top of the range Heatrae Sadia Aquatap! For a chance to win, head over to our Facebook page.