What type of water cooler is best?
Staying healthy and with good hydration is key to wellbeing. Advice says our bodies need around 8 glasses or around 2 litres a day for optimum performance and wellbeing. So it is important to keep your team hydrated and in tip top form.
The water cooler which remains one of the most popular ways to stay hydrated.
Bottled water coolers are extremely popular in today’s challenging times and many homes are investing in these affordable products while working from home. The bottles of water are 100% recyclable and with a capacity of 15 litres give you a plentiful supply. Some supermarkets are no longer selling bottled water through online delivery shopping to save space on the vans.
Bottled water is very heavy to carry as well in your shopping so a countertop water cooler at home provides chilled, filtered water for all the family. It also saves buying single-use plastic that ends up in landfill and allows you to refill a reusable bottle, so being kind to the environment as well as your body.
Preparing for business
In the workplace a plumbed in water cooler may be the best option for your office or breakout room. There are many styles and models to choose including countertop and floor standing, with a small footprint that takes up little space.
Plumbed in models deliver a constant fresh, great tasting ambient and/or chilled, filtered water supply and require little maintenance.
As we start to think about life after lockdown we need to be prepared in our places of work to provide adequate hydration points for staff based on capacity and water drinking water requirements.
To avoid clusters of people and observe social distancing may mean you need to have more cooler stations placed around the building. You know how people like to gather at the water cooler for a catch up!
Not only does a water cooler make drinking water accessible to keep yourself hydrated, but it encourages you to drink filtered water, which is safer and healthier for you.

Refill your glass at a water cooler in the office
Clean your cooler regularly
We all know that viruses and germsmay spread from contaminated surfaces such as door handles and worktops; lift buttons and phones, so frequently cleaning these high-touch surfaces can help control infection. The office water cooler or instant boiling hot tap is no exception with a shared surface.
In theses unprecedented times, it is essential to keep the outside of your cooler or dispenser clean. It only takes a minute with an antibacterial wipe to keep it sanitised especially the tap mechanism.
Empty and clean the drip tray regularly. To prevent dirt build up and water leaking from your cooler, simply remove and empty the drip tray. It only takes a minute to do!
Sanitisation kits
Businesses with water coolers, dispensers and fountains should review office hygiene processes and ensure all communal areas are cleaned regularly with checks and monitoring in place.
Provide alcohol wipes and implement regular cleaning with anti-bac sprays to help minimise risks. Our cooler sani kits can be ordered here to help with this task.
We supply all the leading brands in water coolers to give you the best choice in looks, performance and budget whether it's for the home or workplace. Our friendly sales team are still working remotely and can offer great product advice online.