Which is better bottled water or tap water?
Our health and wellbeing have never been so important during this pandemic and it’s crucial to drink plenty of fluid throughout the day to keep hydrated and take in the daily recommended 2+ litres. Water is important for many processes, including the transport of nutrients around the body, excretion of waste products, and helping your mind to focus and concentrate.
Is tap water is safe to drink and is water or filtered water is any better?
As we continue to invest in sustainability, health, and wellness, it has become more crucial than ever to consider the origins of our water consumption. So, bottled water vs tap water; which type should we drink?
Did you know that single-use plastic bottles of water cost the consumer 500 times more than tap water and bottled water is no more healthy for us; mineral wise.
Single-use plastic pollution
Our addiction to plastic-bottled water is out of control, growing globally by about 9% a year. But it's no better for us than UK tap water, which is safe to drink and often almost free. It is a question of convenience that makes us reach for our money and buy a bottle of water, which then ends up in landfill and in plastic waste in other continents.
In a bid to help cut the purchases of bottles the Refill scheme now boasts over 20,000 refill points across the UK with the aim of providing a free water refill from any business with a clean kitchen. Although many locations are not open right now, a plan is well underway as the economy starts to re-open to show to refill your own reusable bottle, safely and hygienically.
But we can take that a step further because not all tap water tastes great and sometimes there is an odour. By plumbing in a water cooler, fountain or drinking water tap into the mains water supply, your team can refill their reusable bottles with filtered water that tastes great from a stylish looking wall mounted fountain or high capacity dispenser. Add an undersink chiller and there is no need for ice!
UK water standards are amongst the highest in the world and tight regulations ensure minimal contamination with bacteria, minerals and chemicals. All public water supplies in the UK are tested regularly.
UK tap water is safe and we should take advantage of this, particularly in order to aid the wider campaigns for sustainability. However, there are still a number of unanswered questions regarding specific treatment processes, so by investing in a high-quality water dispenser with a good filter makes it safe for you staff to drink and refill.
Purification filters
Sediment and chemical impurities can cause unpleasant tastes and odours and can also contribute to the formation of lime scale in drinking water. Purification filters improve the quality of water by removing chlorine and bacteria, which improves the taste and odour, also removing elements that can be harmful to your health. Reducing lime scale build up extends the life of your plumbed in water coolers.
Purification filters are designed to provide the best quality water at a lower cost to your business and to the environment. Carbon block technology also gives bacterial protection.
Choose to reuse
In #plasticfreejuly people want to know what they can do to help, to make their lives better, and to make the planet a better place to live. One thing we can all do is get a reusable water bottle, and re-use it.
Metal bottles, such as the desirable Chilly’s brand, keep cold drinks cold for 24 hours and hot drinks hot for 12 hours. Remember to carry a keep-cup with you and you will get money off frothy coffees from your favourite coffee shop to stop using take away cups. Contactless coffees that are hands-free after lockdown represent the new normal.
It’s sustainable and eco friendly to reuse and recycle, and we encourage folk to fill their own reusable bottle from plumbed in water taps, coolers and fountains, which are mains-fed, for great tasting, pristine water.